Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (also called "ORAL") is a remake of Pokémon Normal Ruby and Normal Sapphire that nintendo made to put on citra and then later ported to the Three-Screen (also called the nintendo TS). Typically in pokémon games you get to build a team of six pokémon, but in oras you only get to build a team of three because you're team arleady has swampoerlth and goarstoaivoiir and goose because those are just on their buy defalt and yuo they wont go away. it's generally considered to be a 7.8/10 game due to having too much water
Mega Evolutoin
oras has mega evolution its like when a pokémon evolves but like again. darwin is rolling in his grave. mega pokémon use these cool rocks called mega stones that let the pokémon mega evolve. theres some cool ones who can mega evolve like aggron and venusaur and gardevoir and charizard and charizard and medicham. theres some other ones too i think.

theres too much of it
hoenn only has like 211 pokémon in it and like nearly fifty of them are water types
Team Whatever The Fuck It Is Because Pokémon Always Has To Have One Of These Stupid Things
team magma
there in omega ruby and they want to use groudon to increase the size of the land so that people can use it more
team aqua
there in alpha sapphire and i dont know what they want to do because i played omega ruby. they probably want to expand the ocean or something but i dont actually know (they probably use kyogre)
the goose is in omega ruby but not in alpha sapphire because alpha sapphire sucks. thats why the game is abbrieviated to oras, because the part that represens alpha sapphire sounds kinda like "ass", becuase that game is "ass" because it doesn't have the goose. notably, alpha sapphire has seviper which means that its even fucking worse than it would have been if it was just missing the goose
Other Characters
theres some other characters that arent mabga or akwa or goose
theyr both here and they have green hair so their probably the same guy
professor bitch
he made the pokédex and he invented BirchSpace
gym leaders
i already said wallace but thers also some other ones like your dad is one and theres wattson and theres other ones too. none of them are named jim though so thats a missed opportunity because a jim leader could be a funny pun
vending machines
theres vending machines and you can get cool healing items that are cool
Mr. Bondage
theres these five guys and they find the sixth five guy and fuse into him it's kind of freaky
thats it i think nobody else thats it
more evidence for too much water: three of the hms are water type theyve got surf and dive and waterfall which is dumb because swampert can only leanr four moves