Star Wars

Star Wars is a franchise decaying from the inside out by being handled by it's corporate overlords.
It was always a mixed bag if you're looking at the expanded universe shit.☃☃
Every Star Wars Character
- Look Guy Walking
- Harrison Ford
- Princess Peach
- Scrumpy
- Bigger Luke
- Trash Can
- Goldman from House of the Dead 2
- Anakin
- Sam Witwer
- Liam Neeson
- Ooby Dooby Balooby
- Natalie Portman
- Chancellor Palworld
- Kyle
- X-2
- Scrinko Binko
- Bumblo Glorgo
- Turgle
- Eminem
- Jack Black
- Christopher Lloyd
- Captain Rex
- Super Soaker
- Playstation
- Ash Williams
- The Incredible Hulk
- Carpet
- Toby Fox
- Sephiroth
- Dark Tater
- Uncle Somoa
- Tidus
- Biggs
- Wedge
- Zeebo
- Indiana Jones
- Mango Dorian
- Samus Aran
- James Bond
- Rick the Door Technician
- Matt the Radar Technician
- Ellen Ripley
- Bayonetta
- Tifa Lockhart
- Super Mario
- Fives
- Echo
- Donald and Goofy
- C-Pee In My Ass
- Shinji Ikari
- Scrimblo Bimbo
- Fragle Rock
- Vert Wheeler
- Timmy Turner
- Toucan Sam
- Ed the Talking Horse
- Lil Nas X
- Tinitis
- Astor Leeweigh
- Dark Mall
- Yogurt
- Jules Winnfield
- Squall Lionheart
- Gordon Freeman
- Jack Cooper
- Aiden Pearce
- Johnny Thunder
- That ginger kid from the Respawn games I forgot his name
- Freddy Fazhear
- Sam Porter Bridges
- Hal Emmerich
- Cave Johnson
- Chase McCain
- Ryu From Streets
- Horizon Zerodawn
- Saga Anderson
- James Sunderland
- Fight Night Freddy
- Difficult Pete
- Car
- Ratonhnhaké:ton
- Dante from the Devil May Cry series
- Marth
- Riku
- Roy
- Pippin Reed
- Carl Johnson
- Rude
- Reno
- Rufus Shinra
- Metroid
- Captain Price
- Gaz Montielli
- Hatsune Miku
- Keanu Reeves
- Apex Legend
- Fortnite
- Pedro Pascal
- Millenial Falcon
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- John Marston
- Bhodi Rook
- Jason Brody
- Eli Vance
- Bilbo Baggins
- Max Payne
- Carlos Oliveira
- Kilik
- Kiryu Kazuma, Former 4th Chairman of the Tojo Clan
- Daigo Dojima
- Lara Croft
- Alex Mason
- Frank Woods
- John Madden
- Spider-Man
- Temjin
- Shulk
- Travis Touchdown
- Nathan Drake
- Mike Tyson
- Arthur Morgan
- Postal Dude
- Duke Nukem
- Coach Insano
- Keifer Sutherland
- Yoko Shimomura
- Aya Brea
- Square Enix
- Final Fantasy X's Wakka
- 9S
- Stim Slug
- Nintendo 64
- Enemy Grunt B
- Big Boss
- Toshiba
- Samsung
- Walgreens
- Sony Walkman