
Jerma 985 is a man seen in many places. He is a herald of the end times but he doesn't know that part yet.
Jerma was born in 985 BC in British, Columbia under the name "Jorme". After a few murders and esponiage he had to change his name so that nobody would suspect who he is. THerefores he is now Jerma. He spends his days talking to a window in his computer about things while playing hit video games like Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Trigger. and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . just kidding i don't think he ever played that one
Jerma985 is typically seen as an average male human being sporting clothes made for his species, such as a shirt, pants, undergarmants, and very occasionally a hat. He has skin with hair covering various parts but not all of it. Beneat the soft exterior of his body lies a very scary Skeleton so be careful about that. Being a human being he is able to produce sounds with various parts, most notably a Vocal Chord. The sounds tend to coincidentally form words in the English language, which his followers use to divine meaning. He is larger than a banana but smaller than a moose. On his body you will find 2 arms, 2 legs, and 1 neck that ends with a head.
Skills and Abilities
He can do dance and have ideas
When it happens
you won't fucking believe it dude.