Template talk:Stats
this is literally just the stats template ripped from bulbapedia. lots of type colors wont work and you have to calculate shit yourself. you can add a type color by copy-pasting the sources from "Template:(type) color", "Template:(type) color dark", and "Template:(type) color light". you could also do it yourself probably
type: primary type of the pokemon
type2: secondary type of the pokemon. just use the first type again if its monotype
HP: base hp stat of the pokemon
Attack: base attack stat of the pokemon
Defense: base defense stat of the pokemon
SpAtk: base special attack stat of the pokemon
SpDef: base special defense stat of the pokemon
Speed: base speed stat of the pokemon
every stat has a min(stat)50, max(stat)50, min(stat)100, max(stat)100 variable, for the minimum and maximum stats at levels 50 and 100 respectively. have fun providing all those haha lmao
go check out Clodsire if you want an example