Hole Game

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Inside of hole there is a jester. The hole's under construction. I'll finish it later, probably. Urgh man yeah that's a lot of work


  • he hates you.
He's staring at you with sheer contempt.
  • he wants you to die.
  • he wants to bring joy and misery in equal measure.


people play as gys in stygin holow here are some

name weapin favorit food quote
aster gun bread "i wish my parens didnt die horribly"
rizzap hamer lots and lots and lots and lots and "we gotta BUILD something!!!"
kasermeer spikey pole dick "i'm having the time of my life astor you need to get over yourself bud"
magnes brain joy and whimsey "what if we all held hands"
stocks bow fucking nothing "i hate you all and also myself"
dero gitar unopened lego set "dero"


theres a big hole and theres fucked up things in the hole so the guys gotta kill the fucked up things!!!!!

How to play Hole Game

To play Hole Game you need to follow these easy steps:

  1. Go into the Hole
a hole gamer suffering the effects


In hole Game there is gameplay. It is a game that is played

Other things

Sometimes Outlaw is there