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Cringe is a racial feat available to kobolds. The ability allows the user to potentially nullify a critical hit by applying a circumstantial penalty to it.

In Pathfinder 2E

Cringe can be found on page 22 of Player Core 2. The text of cringe is as follows:

Trigger A creature you are aware of critically succeeds on a Strike against you and would deal damage to you.

With pitiful posturing, you cause your foe to pull back a deadly attack. The attacking creature takes a circumstance penalty to the damage of the triggering Strike equal to your level + 2. This penalty applies after doubling the damage for a critical hit. The attacker is then immune to your Cringe for 24 hours.

Cringe has the Emotion, Mental, and Visual traits. This means it is ineffective against mindless creatures, such as common undead, or blind creatures.

In your house

You might be cringe.