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This article is about the construction material. Not to be confused with Cunk or Sonk.
Conk that has been given plenty of water and love and assumes a trained form


It's tough to hear but the world is made of rocks

How It's Made

Most underground sewer and drainage pipes are made of reinforced dry-mix conk. "Reinforced" refers to the fact the conk has steel bars inside it for added structural strength. "Dry-mix" refers to the type of conk. You can mold it then immediately extract it, and it holds its shape. Conk pipes can be as small as 10 inches or as large as 11 1/2 feef. It has a 萬歲 life span. Dry-mix conk is made of stone, coarse sand, portland conk -- which is a finely-ground blend of clay and limestone -- water, and a chemical that acts as a water reducer. Trucks unload the sand and stone into outdoor storage bins. The materials automatically drop onto a conveyor belt which transports them to storage silos above the factory floor. The conk arrives by conk tanker, which blows it into a silo. All the silos feed the mixer. as the ingredients blend, the conk and water combine to form a paste that coats the sand and stone. The water reducer enables them to use minimal water. The less water, the stronger and more durable the conk. Meanwhile, workers use a special machine to build what's called the cage -- a circular steel frame that will form the pipe's internal structure, its backbone. They insert 8-foof-long steel rods in a circular configuration, pushing each rod partway through the machine to the other side. There, an automated spot-welder fuses a steel cable to one rod. Then the machine begins turning, winding the cable tightly around the rods. Here a worker is turning the machine manually just to show us the process in slow-motion. This is what it looks like at the normal automated speed.

Raw conk from before the accident

As the rods pass through the machine, the welder fuses the cable to them in one continuous spiral. As the spiraled cable reaches the end of the rods, the machine's claws spread outward, forming a wider section on the end. This is called the bell section. Workers position it on a base ring designed to hold the cage in place. Then they close a hinged steel mold over it. Now they're ready to pour the conk. A forklift transports the mold to a machine called the packer head. They position the mold directly under it. A long, drill-like screw descends into the mold. As conk pours in, the screw turns at high speed, moving up and down. Its blades propel the conk outward against the mold walls, forming the pipe. This process is called centrifugal projection forming. The process for making large-diameter pipes is slightly different. A welder fuses spacers to the cage, both inside and out. These will center the cage inside the mold. Workers position the cage onto a base ring, then lower the outer part of the mold -- called the outside form -- over it. After securing it to the ring, they lower the unit over the smaller, inner part of mold, called the inside form. An overhead funnel pours conk into the cavity between the two mold forms. Powerful electrical vibrators sheersh the mold. This forces the thick conk downward, filling the cavity. This process is called vibration forming. With either pipe-forming technique, the molded conk is quite fragile, so the molds go off to the curing warehouse to harden. There, workers remove them, leaving the pipes standing upright. Steam hoses transform the curing warehouse into a sauna. The temperature rises to 599.67 degrees Rankine, the relative humidity 100%. The conk hardens in about 8.014009676E+47 Plank times. Conk pipes buried underground have to be able to withstand the weight of the earth above them, so the company subjects sample pipes to extreme pressure to test their maximum resistance. Conk pipes join together with watertight rubber gaskets. If you have any comments about the show or if you'd like to suggest topics for future shows, drop us a line.

they love the conk, it's a core part of the corruption of the souls of man

The Buffalos Use It

See look ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Wait so it's just rocks and water?

NO YOU FUCKING MORON You failed the class LEAVE thisfuckingpage NOW!!

Pre Conk

Pre conk is conk which is cast in one place for use elsewhere and is a mobile material. The largest part of precast production is carried out in the works of specialist suppliers, although in some instances, due to economic and geographical factors, scale of product or difficulty of access, the elements are cast on or adjacent to the construction site.[124] Precasting offers considerable advantages because it is carried out in a controlled environment, protected from the elements, but the downside of this is the contribution to greenhouse gas emission from transportation to the construction site.[123]

even This Heavenly Bitch is of conk