Piano 2

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The piano 2 is an instrument. it is also the sequel to the classic instrument "piano". Piano 2 is a really cool instument, and some people have said its the best woodwind.

New Features[edit | edit source]

the piano 2 has new keys called grey keys and their in between the black and white keys (and between C and B, and E and F) and they play quarter tones.

there's also some new modes:

  • accordion mode is where the piano 2 splits into two pices and pyou can pull them back and forth to make noise
  • they re-added the locrian mode, which was removed from piano one-and-a-half

there's also like twelf new pedals and nobody is quite sure what they do except for the one that's three petals to the left of the sustain pedal, because that one makes the person playing 2 the piano piss there paints.

They added the ability to make crescendos but im not sure how your supposed to do it because the instruction manual on piano 2 kind of sucks

they added an instruction manual, but it kind of sucks

Their's also a crab i think

Impacts on Music Theory[edit | edit source]

despite being really cool and having the potential to completely change music theory as we now it, piano 2 didnot really do anything to music theopry because nobody cared about it existing. i care about it so im riting this article but nobody else did whitch is why i'm wrighting this write now to tell people about how cool the piano 2 is.

Impacts on Mathematics[edit | edit source]

the piano 2 doesn't really effect math at all, but one guy got hit on the head with a falling piano 2 ansd he invented gravity i think his name was fig newton or something.

what else[edit | edit source]

nothing else that's it.

no, there's gotta be something else.[edit | edit source]

well i don't know what it is so leave me alone!!!!!