Your HP is a measure of how much damage you can take before you are defeated. Your HP can be temporarily reduced due to negative effects such as hunger or fatigue. You can lose HP due to poisoning, bleeding, falling from heights, and especially from injuries in combat. Certain perks can
⚔️Attack⚔️ | Defend | Magic |
💥You dealt 15 damage! |
OW! ... Now, where was I? Certain perks can raise your maximum HP or reduce the damage you take. It's also wise to invest in armor and equipment; a good helmet could very well save your life! Additionally, certain potions
⚔️Attack⚔️ | Defend | Magic |
💥You dealt 18 damage! |
URGH! Come on, I'm trying to tell you how certain potions can heal you and temporarily raise your maximum HP! While HP does not regenerate on its own, it can be restored by resting, drinking potions, or using healing magic. Attacks that deal slashing damage sometimes cause you to bleed, requiring you to use a bandage to prevent
⚔️Attack⚔️ | Defend | Magic |
💥CRIT!💥You dealt 41 damage! |
AUGH! That's it, I can only take so much abuse! Have at you!
Attack | 🛡️Defend🛡️ | Magic |
🛡️ You blocked 8 damage! |
Guards! Guards!
⚔️Attack⚔️ | Defend | Magic |
💥You dealt 12 damage! |
AAOOOUGH... ugrh...
You defeated the article! |
You found 🪙5g. |
You found 1x 🧪Potion. |