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Ooooo you came to the WRONG area. No sirre bob you reeeeally don't wanna be here. Not a good idea, highly un-recommended of you. I get how you missed the "o" but I'm reeeeally not sure how ya missed the "a".

You're really in for it now oooo you are SO in for it now. They're gonna be soooo that with you, you don't even KNOW the fourth of it mister and or madam and or xir and or uncle. Luckily for you there's at least many accommodations here at Botch.spice, but unlickily for you, you cannot lick ANY of them! Not a one, you wouldn't wanna do that nooooonono that is not a good idea at ALL. We are so adverse to you tasting our commodities that we've comprised a demonstration of exactly how many things you cannot partake in here.

The Botched Spices

This is the stuff ya reeeeeally don't wanna see. Nope, not at all. Botch.spice noteably consists of and is made up of 4 different spices:

It's blue raspberry stems.
You do NOT wanna know what the forbidden one is ooooo you do NOT wanna know
  • Earth - the fish of the sea. Fuckin hate fish.
  • Wind - floats everywhere and gets in your nostrils and it's just a bad time.
  • The Forbidden One - uH OH Uh oh no no, stay away from that. Even WE don't remember what it was. It was before our grandpuppies time
  • Fire - Crushed Red Pepper, goes great in most meat dishes and wishes.

Knowing the difference between these spices is life or death on these bitches of streets. Be fucking careful! Who knows what kind of scrungly snagglers may try to plunder your powders...

YIKES! Don't Look Now, But Here Comes A Resident of Botch.spice!!!

His name is Morrisque Albedo.

Gosh gosh GOSH that's a sneaky salnon! Thankfully he's all the way over there and we're over snear, and as long as you don't make eye contact with them nothing spicy is gonna happen! You should probably switch to the next line now-- hey HEY BUDDY!!!

Phew! That was close, yuuuuuup just a little too close for comfort, just being around that guy give me the crepes! He may not look it, but he's a REAL spice fiend, will splay the spice right spouse of ya if you're not careful as to how far along the page you aaAA

Alright maybe that was one too many close calls for one day, don't you think? Actually, come to think of it, depending on your monitor scale, you probably read these lines at a different speed and placement, let me try and OH GOD

Okay so i was trying to lower my window size to get a better idea of how close you might be to him compared to me but ooooooh my GOSH he just got SO close it was SO scary!!! I really can't handle this window size let me try and put it back waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay farther away. There! Plenty of space to talk about how dangeraAAAA

That's it, lets beat it! This guy's just two intimidating to take! Lets move on.

Exiting Botch.spice

Just don't be here??? I actually really don't know why you've stuck around so long, they're DEFINITELY gonna know by now ooooh they've SO got your number dude. If you can't change pages or search something else the usual way, there is a painteted Botch.spice exiy in case of emergency. First, you'll wanna take the stairs on the south, but be sure your window size is big enough so that the stairs don't collapse in two d space, okay?





|_ wow i forgot how steep these were, be careful not to trip, okay?

































