water is a liquid that is outside. it is a primary ingredient in the substance known as "piss" (the other ingredient is yellow). water can make things moist. some cultures call it H2O, which means "hard 2 orate", since you usually start drowning if you try to talk underwater, but this can be averted if you can guzzle it fast enough. sometimes there is a lot of water in one place and it forms something called a "pool". some pools get so big that creatures like fish or crabs spontaneously appear in it, as detailed by the philosopher Aristotle in his writings on hylomorphism.
what is water?
i just fucking told you, it's a liquid from outside. it has something like three atoms in it but sometimes there's more and people call it "heavy" water which I think is kinda rude. who cares what its atomic weight is.
what can water do?
it can fall
it can cress
it can slide
it can melon
it can sports
it can bed
it can wheel
bro look at this fucking furry porn I found in wikimedia commons while looking for a pair of wet pants
it can lily