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Logo created by Wube to promote the software

Factorio is a productivity hazard PSYOP created by Czech software company Wube Software. Its main goals are to cripple key civilian and military infrastructure by targeting the dopamine receptors of civil and industrial engineers worldwide, causing attention problems and excessive wear on personnel & machines alike. Exposure can cause severe health issues like sleep deprivation, obsessive thought patterns, self-isolation, and psychosis. Symptoms are periodic and last for weeks or months at a time. They may become dormant for months or years until flaring up again. There is no known cure, with the complications from exposure being lifelong issues. It is commonly considered "worse than crack" by expert analysts unfamiliar with any drugs.

Method of Execution

The software is embedded in a open-world survival crafting simulation game where the initial goal is to build a platform to escape the solar system. This is a false end meant to lure more unsuspecting victims into being exposed. It exploits vulnerabilities in people's desire to make number go up that encourages those exposed to greatly exceed the 100+ hour campaign. It includes a multiplayer mode to help facilitate its spread to more key positions.


If anyone you know is running this software, call them a massive nerd and to uninstall it IMMEDIATELY.