Rock Music

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Rockin' redirects here. For the favorite thing, see PSI Rockin.

Rock Music was a mass hallucination that first appeared at some point in 2005. It's a dreamlike form of Music, usually incorporating the electric guitar, squiggly wigglies, and a stationary drum kit, and is played by bands ranging in size from 0 to 68,202 members. Even though the exact nature of Rock Music has yet to be identified, several depictions of it exist in popular culture, including Regular Show, that episode of Mythbusters with the Lead Zeppelin, and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.


The origins of Rock Music are often disputed. The most commonly believed theory is that Rock Music was created by Weezer so that they didn't have to get jobs. Music scholars claim that every member of Weezer has pretended to be a famous Rock Musician from history, fabricating antique photos of themselves in ridiculous wigs and outfits. This is backed up by the lyrics of their song, Buddy Holly,

Whoa--ee--oo I look just like Buddy Holly

Several sources dispute this claim however, stating that the lyrics of Weezer songs are all meaningless.

In Popular Culture

There have been at least 18 albums released since 2005 claiming to be Rock Music. So far, we've listened to 14 of them, and they're not as good as we remember them.

The 2010 motion picture Scott Pilgrim vs. the World takes place during Rock Music.