The King

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King Harkinian, in his famous "My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for." pose.
my boy

The King, also known as King Harkinian, is the King of everywehre. At least I think so? We know he's thew king of Hyrule, but there could be more. Scientists are still trying to figure this out. He is rather fond of Dinner. He wonders whats for dinner, all tehe time. Mmmmm. Now I am wondering too. Wait what the fuck what is that fuckin challace its SO BIG. Nobody noticed this ever?? Not as big as his Dinner of course.

Interests[edit | edit source]


Power level[edit | edit source]

King Harkinian in his famous "Zelda, Duke Ontled is under attack by the evil forces of Gannon" pose
Hes going to gamelon to a
I mean, what is there to describe here. You know exactly what's going on. It's called Dinner. And it's the King. I wonder what's for dinner.
he wonders waht for dinner

King Harkanine may be a monarch, and we all know that monarchs do literally nothing for their people or in general really. Despite this, he is a master of the blade. He was powerful enough to go fight Gannon when the evil forces of Gannon went to attack Duke Ondlet. I dont even know if I am spelling his name right. What? What do you mean he failed? Not even Link could do it. I guess the real lesson is Zelda is the most powerful ever. Thats why its caled the Legend of Zelda after all. But the King is surely a ble to compete. Oh and people wonder why HE didnt go to conquer the Faces of Evil and sent Link to do it instead. Gurl. The fucking scroll said only LINK can DEFEAT Gannon. MEDIA LITERACY IS DEAD. Also people say the Triforce of Wisdom fucking LIED about the King getting home safely,m but he DID because Zelda saved him. Im sorry. I mean that IS a relevant tangent. Oh yeah hte King is pretty powerful, Link even says it. That old Gannopn is no match for the King. See? He IS quite powserful.

Fame[edit | edit source]

King Harkinian in a Fabulous Secret Powers YTPMV parody
he says hoe

He;s famous. You know exactly why but Ill explain it anyway/. His uniquie cutscenes and personality and charm inspired creativity for generations.Like unironically!! Its kind of awesome. My boy.

My boy[edit | edit source]

This peace is what ALL true warriors strive for.

Relations[edit | edit source]

Link[edit | edit source]

Link is his boi. This is already established. They seem to share an affinity for Dinner. Who wouldnt?

Zelda[edit | edit source]

Zelda is actually his daugheter. I mean that makes sense shes Princess Zelda. She calls him her father. She also seems to share his affinity for Dinner, though she says Feast instead. Is that different? Again, scientists are st ill performing researchon this.

Gwonam[edit | edit source]

Theyre pretty close friends. As someone who oversees his boy, Gwonam is an important asset to the King. But ya know, they can be friends too.

Morshu[edit | edit source]

The King is also very familiar with Morshu as they are bothYouTube Poop icons. Sources imply that they also share an interest in Dinner, and may have an affair. That last part might be wrong, we don't know. Research ended inconclusive on this. The yHAVE been seen enjoying a pleasant feast together in the unreleased Peggle DLC, Peggle Dinners. The King is a major character in this afformentioned DLC, in fact.

Duke Onkled[edit | edit source]

Duke Onkled is simialr to the King in the fact that he is a King. Kind of? He's a Duke. I dont care its a ruler. Same thing. Onkled and Harkininan were once verry tight knit, but Duke Omelette betrays the King by joining the evil forces of Gannon. Once Zelda defeatrs him and returns both the King and Link safely, Duke Hamlet begs the Kiing for mercy. But the King says only after he scrubs all the floors of Hyrule, then they can talk about mercy. Quite a heartbreaking but justified ending to their friendship.

Apparently he's a real character??[edit | edit source]

Okay like I thought he wqas just in the CDi games at first but no he is like a THING. He was in the Legend of Zelda TV show and comics too. Not in any actual games tho. No I lied the CDi games are real and canon games to the series. They are main entries in fact.